Friday, May 24, 2013

Week In Review

So.....this week has been busy and scattered as I knew it would be. Somehow I'm heading into a (hopefully) low-key and restful upcoming weekend though. I still have the big work event tomorrow night and a garage repair man coming on Saturday morning, but for the first time in the last few months, I've also agreed/planned to see a few people socially this weekend. I'm meeting M's friend/coworker for breakfast on Sunday or Monday and I'm getting together with my cousin on Sunday as well. I'm also hitting up the ex to see if he wants to go watch the new Star Trek movie together....maybe he will, maybe he won't, but I have been open to talking to him/trying to be friendly again lately.

SO the week in review:

---Well, as much as L seems like a good fit, apparently lil dog is not the best fit. He's supposed to be house-broken but apparently he doesn't like the rain. This is not going to fly in my rental. She's got him on a schedule now, but if it keeps up, I'll be asking her to find a new housing option....prontito.

---I've been able to exchange messages with M in Taiwan almost every day since he arrived there. It's nice to be able to still communicate and it makes me really appreciate technology. I didn't realize just how much we'd gotten used to being able to access each other for our mutual verbal processing needs...his absence in life, definitely makes me appreciate him even more.

---One run in yesterday and an Insanity work-out in tonight. I'm thinking about switching back to complete the whole 60 days of Insanity rather than thinking about running, as I think I've partly lost some of my running mojo. Today I was thinking about my ability to run and do Insanity work-outs back-to-back on some of the days during the height of the angst of my divorce, and well, apparently...I'm much more settled because my motivation is much, much less these days! My legs have also been feeling like lead the last couple running outings I've done, so maybe a change of pace might be good.

---Monday interview didn't leave me feeling very confident. I've never had an interview contain so many questions (15!) and I felt like I'd lost them about half-way in. The Tuesday interview I felt I did better on, although it's likely that someone else was more directly qualified. I'm not expecting to get call backs for the second round on either one of those honestly. The interview today, I felt went better. Today's was the job that I really can see myself doing and that might help steer me back in a set direction toward academia and research......but I also didn't feel 100% on it. Apparently out of 100 applicants, three of us received interviews and in my follow-up thank you, I did receive a response saying that their decision will be difficult but that I should know they were impressed. Even if I didn't get the job (I'll definitely be bummed!!!), I am trying to think positively. I am SO glad that I had the opportunity to interview at three places this week and I also know that I have about six jobs in my inbox that I'll be applying for this weekend. I just have to KEEP at it and keep at it and keep at it. And again, I know that I am incredibly fortunate to have parents who will help me in the worst case scenario. In checking my finances yesterday, I just need a job to pan out with a start date of mid-to-end of June.

---One thing that the last several weeks has made me realize is that I love tapping into my creativity. I really enjoyed pulling the rooms in my house together. I like taking inspiration, mixing it with what I have, and creating a space that is representative of me yet inspiring. And right now, I'm loving putting together the table center pieces for our Banquet tomorrow night. I'm not 100% sure about how they'll turn out but I'm hopeful it's all going to come together!....and it's been fun via the process anyway.

---Off to bed, finally. But hope each of you has had a great week too!


  1. Wow - well that is awesome that you were in the 3% that got an interview - and that you got good feedback. I hope that you get some good news! :)

    1. Me too, but even if not...I'm going to just chug along. Two applications submitted today and will just keep sending them. All I can do at this point! Thanks for the encouragement--always appreciated!

  2. I'm glad you had 3 interviews too! I hope that one pans out for you. And being creative is such a release for me too! It helps me to de-stress when I rearrange my furniture and also cooking seems to help with that too...I think it is all the vegetable chopping :-)

    1. I hope so too, but we'll see. No go on the phone interview, but I knew they'd have many more qualified applicants. Just glad to have had an interview for it honestly. Still chugging along! Creativity totally is a stress's one of the coping methods we teach actually--ha! :) But it's been SO fun lately. I can imagine that chopping is a great reliever...just like kneading dough probably? :)
