Monday, July 16, 2012

A Good Sunday & The Coop's Done

Hi all! How have you all been doing? Hopefully well!

After a quick trip to the family beach house Friday night-Sunday morning, which included finishing the book for book club, a wonderful long walk on the beach with my gal N and her husband (who both also happened to be over there at their family house), and dinner with the two of them out at the local pub.....I was ready to come back to settle into my own home. As much as getting away can feel great, I definitely missed my own shower and bed! The trip was much needed however as I'm trying not to stress about all the unknowns in life. The reality is that I posted an ad on craigslist for a housemate and have had no responses, and without a housemate or a new job option, the smartest thing would be for me to move within the next couple months. (Although I really hope this doesn't have to happen!!) Additionally, in recent conversations, we've come to realize that what we based our marriage on was not in fact reality and there's a good chance that even though we're extremely compatible that really we're incompatible in some big ways.

Thus a few days away to listen to my soul was much needed....and it was great to come back to some wonderful things on Sunday afternoon.

1) My aunt invited me up to her place to pick blueberries from their bushes and she contributed some roses from Poppa's old rose garden. Walking through the same rows of roses that Poppa tended for years, picking which ones I wanted and breathing in their deep scent, honestly was amazingly good for the soul. Poppa was an incredible man....and there was something about walking through the rows that felt like his strong embrace was surrounding me.  I came home with a huge bag of blueberries and enough roses for two smaller arrangements:

2) Baking and preserving! One of my unofficial goals for this summer has been to work at cooking more (something that for various reasons I stopped doing in my marriage) and to also do more preserving of items from the garden. There is an extra freezer in the garage and it dawned on me that I should really attempt to fill it up with extra fruits, veggies, fish, breads, etc. Before I went to bed last night, I was able to make three rounds of freezer jam from those delicious blueberries. I also had two mushy bananas that I made into seriously a-ma-zing banana nut muffins, and a few of those were double bagged for the freezer also. To top it all off, I made a super simple but delish dinner for Tall D and I: baked potatoes topped with shredded cheese, salsa, & homemade guacamole with a side of sauteed zukes and onions. 

3) And almost the best news of all: the COOP IS DONE! Woohoo! Tall D finished it off completely late afternoon, including the laying boxes, ladder, and all. It was pretty entertaining watching a 6'5" guy chase two chickens around our large backyard so he could get them in the coop....but I have to admit it was cute when he presented me with the "finished coop: chickens included!" The ladies seemed pretty content clucking around checking out their new digs. They hopped up in the bush in there, pecked at the dirt, and eventually with our help they got up into the house part and explored their new beds. (Although at 11pm, we did have to go back out there and put them in their boxes...hopefully they'll get it on their own tonight....) It seriously looks great though and it's nice to have it done!! Now I can get started on all the other backyard projects I've had in mind :)

4) Lastly Tall D and I watched a great movie before he headed back to his apartment for the night. It's called The Way and is the story of a man who's son dies on the Camino de Santiago. He ends up continuing on to complete his son's journey. If you're into personal journeys, beautiful scenery, and some good chuckles, it's definitely worth checking out. 

Hope y'all had a great weekend! 

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