Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Day In the Life...

The days have been long and the exhaustion has been high. Usually I limit the amount of social engagements I let myself have in more stressful weeks but this week has included a social outing/evening every day of the week. This was finals week for my students so grades finally got calculated and transferred over. My week of finals as a student is next week (plus a make-up class since our Thurs night class was cancelled due to the crazy wind storm & power outages that Portland had) and the half-marathon is on Sunday. Seriously can't wait for a bit of down time...

Obviously it's been busier since I intended to post this actually on Tuesday, and since I didn't get to it til now I included Wednesday for fun too :)

8-820am wake up, listen to music, cuddle the dogs, check emails/social media, say a quick prayer about the day
820am let the dogs out, turn the heat up, make coffee, eat a banana
830am feed the dogs/cat, fill the water for the animals, let the chickens out & feed/water them
845am breakfast & water christmas tree
915am get dressed, put face on, check in with housemate
940am vacuum & dust house
1005 review class notes & assignment, rearrange furniture to make room for hw

1030am start massage exchange with housemate
noon break for lunch/fill out paperwork
1230 start second massage exchange (swap give/receive) with housemate
2pm finish exchange paperwork, type up homework assignment, put furniture back
240pm grade student assignments, check work email, & update grades

420pm check on chickens, lock in coop, get the dogs to go out
435pm start getting ready for work
5pm grab tea & snacks, feed dogs, start dishwasher
520pm leave house for campus
6pm-8pm proctor final exam, return assignments, prep online classes for next term

8pm chat with student who had general life advice question
830pm meet someone I haven't seen for months for a drink/dinner at local pub
1045pm arrive home, love on dogs & let them out
11pm take a shower, ready bag for next day, check in with buddy's school progress
midnight go to sleep

845am wake up: cuddle dogs, listen to tunes, quick prayer, check email/social media
9am: get up, let chickens & dogs out, feed & water animals, coffee, breakfast, water christmas tree, get dressed/face on, make tea to go, finish easy homework assignment
1015am: leave house for massage school
11am: find parking finally & head to get table set for day
1130-225pm: in class
235pm: leave downtown for home
3pm: buy groceries & christmas gift on way home
345pm: get home, unload groceries, let dogs out, eat briefly
430pm: put chickens up, change clothes, find paperwork for dogs, ready work bag
450pm: leave house for work
510pm: stop at animal services to update Roxi's rabies info
540pm: arrive at campus
6-8pm: proctor final exam, check work emails, grade 50% of first nights exams
8pm: leave campus
830pm: stop at my aunt's for a bowl of soup, a glass of wine, & to get the things they picked up for me from Costco
10pm: finally get home, let dogs out, talk with housemate, unpack bag, make a list to do for Thursday, take a shower, eat the rest of the left overs from Tuesday night, check in with buddy about his school progress/day
midnight or so: go to bed

Definitely enjoying some pretty great moments still..and sleeping in when I can. One more week to go! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to read about other people's days because they are SO different from person to person. Like I am probably up earlier than the average person but I definitely am done for the day by 9:30, and really I am done with work by 4:30 which isn't bad. Sounds like you are busy busy busy!
