Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cooking for Guests & Good Food

So one thing that I have learned this summer is that I enjoy cooking or just plain having the opportunity to get creative in the kitchen. I'm sure if I had to do it every day I wouldn't enjoy it quite as much, but I'm loving it when I get the opportunity to fix something of substance for those I care about and while Mom was here I was able to do plenty of caring & food prep:

Night one I made pretty much this same salmon dinner and night two we went to the family BBQ for which I made two salads: kale/avocado salad and a black bean salad.

For lunch the next day I made this from our left overs:
Salmon melts with celery & mayo & shredded cheese...and more of the left over black bean salad.

And then dinner of the final day I made this:
Black rice, stir fry, corn-on-the-cob, and scrambled eggs w/ feta (for protein).

I definitely enjoy a much more simple meal and I'm noticing that my meals are becoming more protein based and less carb based throughout the day. Beyond that I'm tending to eat one solid meal and then have smoothies and fresh fruits/veggies throughout the day.

Katie had gone to culinary school for a year so she was really into trying out many of the different eating establishments, plus at least half her trip we were away from the house. Thus all I made for Katie were two cups of coffee and then hastily thrown together french toast for breakfast this morning. (Have I mentioned I love french toast?!) The following is the awesomeness of what I/we indulged in during her visit:
Amazing french toast at Jam in SE
Coffee from the local coffee cart back home & many Starbucks in PDX
Tuna Sandwich w/ side salad at McMenamins in Roseburg
Asian Salad Wrap w/ Fries at Applebees in Bend
Oatmeal Pancakes w/ Fruit at McKays Cottage in Bend
Banana Nut French Toast + egg at Stepping Stone Cafe in NW
Salmon cakes, bruschetta, fish tacos, & chips w/ dip at Jake's Crawfish downtown
Berry smoothie & Oregon salad at Burgerville 
Falafael gyro at the down town foodcarts

Tomorrow evening I've got a gal pal coming over for dinner and chatting, so I'm looking forward to cooking for her (and not eating out!!)---I'll have to see exactly what I can whip up! (Maybe I'll actually have to check-out some of those Pinterest inspirations.)

I'm linking up with Townsend House's What Am I Eating Series.


  1. I also really enjoy cooking, especially when I have someone to share the meal with! I only cook about once a week, though, as I do not make time for it most nights. I try to make one big meal on Sat or Sun and then I live on leftovers and things like microwaved baked potatoes the rest of the week. But I do love that one night that I actually spend time making something delicious!

    1. That's a great idea though! I too don't like to cook when it's just me--so much easier to just do something easy than to prepare a large meal. Question, I don't know if you read reply comments or not....but any suggestion on a watch to measure time/distance on my runs?

  2. Yum! I am loving simple food right now as well. And with the weather starting to cool down here, I think I am going to end up with a lot of soups simmering on the stove and bread baking in the oven relatively soon. Oh, and eggs...lots and lots of eggs :-)
