Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Over the last week, I've been feeling called to focus on reframing and all the goodness that exists in my life. Sometimes in the midst of chaos, goodness can at times feel fleeting but I also know that I am surrounded by it every.single.day and in so very many ways.

So here's a list of some of the things I am so incredibly grateful for:
--AMAZINGLY steadfast long term and newer friends
--re-establishing deeper friendships with prior long term friends
--the beauty that is so ever present with this season, ie amazing leaves, spider webs dripping with dew, brilliant greens of growing grass, foggy mornings
--doggie love, being greeted at the door with their happy faces, bringing joy to their days
--INCREDIBLE family near and far
--a great recent visit with one of my aunts
--the skills & resources possessed by my family members
--support and words of encouragement from my lovely cousins
--watching so many of my friends & family moving ahead in so many ways
--exploring new long term options to head in a related career field & follow my long standing dreams
--making mileage in beautiful outdoor settings
--sweating & processing through life's turmoils
--upcoming celebrations with friends for a big life transition
--regular text message exchanges with one of my favorite buddies
--my parents moving out of my hometown to an hour away from all of us in the Portland area
--a great stable & morally sound long-term housemate
--the opportunity to have two shorter term housemates since August that were both enjoyable
--watching the chickens run across the backyard on their free range days
--focusing on my spiritual relationship with the ruler of this life & universe
--food in my fridge, heat, clean water, an amazing rental situation, & a car that runs
--being so close to finishing my education program
--the ability to literally touch the lives of others thru massage & teaching

For these and so many other reasons, I DO realize that I am so very blessed beyond measure....

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