Monday, November 18, 2013

If We Met for Happy Hour, I'd Tell You...

So I'm not going to lie, I should be using this next 30 minutes of lounging in bed to actually take a nap BUT I've been meaning to do a post so here we go:

IF we were meeting over happy hour today (which I'm headed to in an hour):

---I'd ask how you were doing and want to get the low down on your life. What are your highs, what have been the lows, and what are you most proud of/grateful for at this time of year?

---I'd tell you about how I took my uncle's advice and took some of this OTC med that is supposed to increase mucus production in a means to get rid of my chronic cough....except apparently that hardened mucus probably had formed a bubble around an active now I feel like ab-so-lute crap today. Back to the aches, chills, and just being so incredibly exhausted.

---I'd tell you about how glad I am that I arranged that mini vacation for myself next week. That I still haven't decided where to go for Thanksgiving as my immediate family has split between our two extended family options. I'd tell you that really I want the delicious food....and just to stay home.

---I'd tell you how last weekend I dog sat for my buddy R and realized how glad I am that my dogs are middle aged and decently well trained. They enjoyed having a one year dog here, but they weren't too sad to see her go either.

---I'd tell you that at the end of the trail run/hike I took all three dogs on, I made the mistake of actually talking to a guy at the trail head and helping him out with a broken down car.....I've made it clear that I'm in no ways interested but I did agree to let him buy me breakfast on Sunday as a thank you. Sigh....back to my own rule of not talking to dudes on trail. Since when did kindness get confused with interest/flirting? After avoiding the situation for over a week, I also finally sent a text to my colleague letting him know that I thought he was starting to show interest and that I'm not on the same page. I haven't heard back from him...

---I'd tell you that I'm seriously stoked for my one housemate to move out over Thanksgiving weekend and that I may have had some words with her the middle of last week. Nothing unbearable but just a continual lack of respect regarding coming home late during the night which wakes the dogs up which in turn wakes me up...and is something that was clearly discussed in the ad, in the interview, and during last month.

---I'd tell you that I totally forgot that my mom is coming up today for a conference on the East side, but I'm actually really looking forward to seeing her. She'll only be here until Wednesday and we'll have limited time together since I teach tomorrow night...but still will be nice to have her.

---I'd tell you that I'm seriously giddy with excitement about Housemate M coming back and that I'm grateful for exchanges like this that happen between us:
Me: So I know you'll have lots going on when you first get back.....but ....can you help me clean the carpets in the house and move my bedroom furniture so I can paint the walls over break?
M: Of course. Can we go snowshoeing? BTW what do you want for Xmas?
Me: Uh, for you to build me the compost bin out of the pallets in the shed that I've been wanting since summer.....and of course we can go snowshoeing!
M: Ha, um okay. But what about something material?
Me: Um....nails for said compost bin??? And what do you want?
M: For you to agree to try snowboarding for once and come up to the mountain with me.
Me: Ha, uh, damn. Okay fine I can do that.
Seriously stoked for this dude to get back! What's better than gifts of experience, time, and creating?!

---I'd tell you that I did almost nothing physical this weekend (except full body massages and those have to burn calories!) and it was well needed after covering a total of 32 odd miles last week. Wow! I'm continually amazed at my body sometimes....but also trying to listen to it's needs for rest. I still haven't decided if I want to run the Holiday Half. Housemate M flies in that day we think so I have to pick him up from the airport, but maybe it'd be doable....? Idk.

--I'd also tell you how I've been meaning to clean my closet out and the perfect opportunities have been presenting themselves. One of my younger classmates mentioned she was really cold the other day and she only had a lightweight coat. She lives in the area and has no money, so I brought her to the house and gave her my old winter coat, several layering pieces, and some sweaters. I haven't had the opportunity to do much "giving" lately of that sort....and it seriously just felt amazing. I also gave my housemate a skirt and a tank, since she's been wanting clothes but been struggling to find what she wants. I knew she'd wear some of my pieces more than I will so I went ahead and passed them on.

---Additionally that housemate and I have developed this Friday evening habit of lounging on the couch and watching old Netflix What Not to Wear episodes. It's been nice to just spend a bit of time checking out but still spending some time with her void of lots of talking.....

---I'd also tell you how happy I am that this weekend I get to see three of my favorite gals for coffee. I've really come to cherish these monthly coffee outings with my gals....and this month our gal from California will be in town too. :)

---I might also tell you that the gal I'm seeing for Happy Hour downtown today is someone from high school that I haven't seen since I was 17. We reconnected through that online fitness support group I was telling you all about and I'm really looking forward to seeing her in a few!

---Oh and I also scheduled a counseling appt for Sunday to help me work through some of these fears about eventually developing a relationship. I'm looking forward to checking in with her and hearing some of her feedback/words of wisdom.

---And I suppose that's about it in a nutshell!!

Hope you all have been well! :) Hope to check in on blogs and catch up with all of you next week finally!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that one roommate is moving out and that M is moving back in! I can tell how much you enjoy his company so having him around is going to be so good for you, I bet.

    I hate that kindness and friendliness can be interpreted as flirty/being interested. that is why I have a no talking on airplane rule. I have been hit on a couple of times and it just annoys me!
